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Laurent Contamin
auteur, metteur en scène, comédien
5 spectacles contés à jouer partout
Juby, En attendant Dersou , En pure Perte, Signé Kiko et Les Murmures de Haute-Claire  en tournée "à la carte" (musées, théâtres, bibliothèques, établissements scolaires, à domicile...), prenez date ! (onglet cont@ct, ci-dessus)
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Chasing the wind

An original show, played either on stage or outdoor. Two circus artists do celebrate those major women who, in the 19th and 20th century, took risks to discover the world and themselves... Alexandra David-Néel, Anita Conti, Isabelle Eberhardt, ... Written and directed by Laurent Contamin, based on an original idea from Corine Cella and Laure Raoust.

More details about this performance : Compagnie Rouge Eléa

Actresses : Corine Cella et Laure Raoust

Music : Guillaume Cros

Set : Laurent Gauthier

Duration : 50 mn

The performance ideally takes place under a tree, at dusk. It can be performed in english.



Anyway things leave us sooner or later

Life leaves us sooner or later

It flows like a stream

It’s just an illusion – thinking you can hold on, hang on, hold fast

On a planet sailing through the space at thirty kilometres a second – One hundred thousand kilometres per hour – Three hundred times the TGV


Riddling nights under our skins

Beautiful silence

Beautiful loneliness

And beautiful clouds : where is the end of your course ?




Go to the place of the water where the big swells are born

Save stocks of salt for your old days

Don’t let yourself get stuck in the tide of links, things and actions

Unclutter yourself – unload – unbore yourself – let’s act acrobatic


Do what you like and like what you do

To your star, Anita


Adventure is so much easier, there

Even the fear, there, is easier than the globalised cities’ fear

Fear of not being good enough

Fear of not being loved

Fear of not being, period.

> video trailer

> in french

3743715 pages vues.